Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Jennifer (Sperle) McCoy III |
Thursday, August 21, 2008 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
9:45 AM | 3:55 PM |
TURN-AROUND; Jennifer McCoy and All Members of the Guadalupe Rosary Crusade for Life:
At about 12:45 pm, a blue 4-door sedan stopped at Tiller's gate. The driver was a 20 (something?) year-old Black pregnant lady, and she had a young friend with her, who is approximately the same age. They had a little baby in a car seat, in the back of the car.
When Jennifer offered the ladies some literature, and she asked if they ware here for a pregnancy test?
The driver said "Yes!"
But then, she also added that she knew that she was about two months pregnant.
Jennifer asked her to come with her to Choices Medical Clinic, which is located next-door to the Tiller Late-Term Abortion facility.
The driver conferred with her friend for a few minutes, but they decided against going to Choices Medical Clinic.
Jennifer also asked her to consider adoption, because she had told Jennifer that she was not going to be able to take care of this baby.
The girl said that she would rather have an abortion than to put her baby up for adoption!
In the end, after considerable conversation, the driver said: "I am not going to keep this baby!!".
However, Jennifer did not give up.
Jennifer handed them two different sets of proLife literature, and explained some of the literature to both of these girls.
After examining the literature with Jennifer, the driver thanked Jennifer, and the other people who had gathered there at the gate, and then, unfortunately went on into Tiller's Parking Lot, and walked inside, still carrying at least some of the literature.
The people at the gate all continued to pray for a miracle.
One of the out-of-state people who is here in support of the KCFL efforts at Tiller's gate today, is a 24-year-old girl named "Brandy".
(Brandy is an abortion-survivor who lived through a saline-abortion attempt when she was just 4 1/2 months old on her birthday, September 12, 1984. Brandy now lives in Louisiana. This is her first time in Wichita.)
Brandy had also been talking to the black girls in the car, alongside Jennifer.
Thinking out-loud, Jennifer said to Brandy: "I wish I had Peggy Elliott's phone number
Amazingly, Brandy had Rev. Dr. Peggy Elliot's current number on her - already programmed into her cell phone! (The Hand-of-God?)
Rev. Dr. Peggy Elliott, is a well known Black proLife activist and author from Minnesota, who now lives in Wichita.
Brandy auto-dialed Rev. Dr. Peggy Elliott and within less than one minute of the car going into Tiller's Parking Lot, Jennifer had Dr. Peggy Elliott on the line.
Rev. Dr. Peggy Elliott, she came out on-site immediately to try to intervene, if she could, when they came out of Tillers - hoping that it would not be too late to save the life of a child.
Just as Peggy Elliott got to the gate (reportedly within one or two seconds)
here came the two black girls out of Tiller's Parking Lot! (The Hand-of-God was in the timing too?)
The car stopped, and, by the grace of God, Rev. Peggy was able to talk to the two young girls.
As soon as informal introductions were made, Jennifer felt that it was better to walk away, and pray, leaving Dr. Elliott alone to talk in some amount of privacy with these two Black girls.
Father Norman Weslin, here in Wichita with the Guadalupe Rosary Crusade for Life, began intense prayer with Jennifer McCoy, while Rev. Peggy Elliott spoke them.
The conversation between Rev. Elliott and the girls lasted about ten minutes, and God certainly had heard the prayers of the good people on-site today.
Just as we worried they would do, Tiller's staff had done a pregnancy test, and upon confirming that she was pregnant, had attempted to talk the driver into having an immediate early-term abortion!
Again, by the Power and Grace of God, Jennifer and the people at the gate had put enough doubt into the minds of these young girls, that the pregnant one opted to "think about it" instead of having an immediate abortion.
Thanks to Rev. Peggy Elliott's quick response, she now has a meeting scheduled with |