Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Joseph Elmore
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Shift Start:Shift End:
12:15 PM3:30 PM
  TURN-AROUND - Upgraded to a CONFIRMED SAVE; Joseph Elmore and Greg Biggs:

At about 1:20 pm, an older tan Toyota Corolla (tag number on file) carrying a heavy-set young black lady who appeared to be in her early 20's, stopped to talk to Joe Elmore at Tiller's gate.

She talked briefly to Joe, then went into Tiller's parking lot, but instead of parking where clients normally park, she parked in an open employee stall, near the gate. She is a college student, six weeks pregnant, and she had an appointment at Tiller's.

When she exited her car, she was not far from where Joe was standing at the gate, and Joe tried to talk to her again. Unfortunately, she walked toward Tiller's door, out of sight of the people at the gate.

However, at about 1:25 pm, she came back to retrieve something from her car, and Joe took that opportunity to try to talk to her again. In a polite and persuasive way, Joe tried to get her to think about what she was about to do to her child and to herself!

According to Greg Biggs, she appeared to ignore Joe, while Joe was trying his best to get her to go over to Choices Medical Clinic, the proLife clinic which is located next door to Tiller's abortion facility. She did not respond at all, and sadly went back into Tiller's building.

Then, in what was a total surprise to Joe and Greg, at about 1:40 pm, she came walking out of Tiller's building, and instead of going to her car, she came directly to the gate to talk to Joe.

This time she conversed with Joe willingly, and by the Grace of God, Joe was able to talk her into going over to Choices Medical Clinic.

At 1:43 pm, her car exited Tiller's parking lot, and entered Choices Medical Clinic's parking lot - a clear victory for the Power-of-Prayer and a reward for Joe's persistence!

She remained at Choices Medical Clinic beyond the end of Greg's Shift.

<<UPDATE 2008-Oct-16 7:00 pm >>

Joseph Elmore reports that she stayed in at Choices Medical Clinic until about 3:20 pm.

However, when she left Choices, Joe had engaged another black client at Tiller's gate in a conversation, and he was unable to talk to the above noted lady as she exited the Choices Parking Lot.

The client who was on her way into Tiller's at that time, accepted literature from Joe, but it did not result in any further positive news that we currently know of.

However, about 10 minutes later, when a black lady who volunteers at Choices Medical Clinic was leaving work for the day, Joe approached her and asked her about the above client.

Due to Federal HIPPA Regulations, the volunteer was not able to reveal any detailed or personal medical information to Joe.

However, the information of a Spiritual and Religious nature that she was able to share with Joe, is cause for wild celebration!

The Hand-Of-God was clearly working through Joseph Elmore and the good people at Choices Medical Clinic.

Not only was the life of the child saved, but in a Spiritual sense, the life of the this young Mother was also saved today.

Please join us in a Prayer of Thanksgiving for both Mother and child!

(There is more good news to this story than can be posted here. Return to this report in the months and years ahead for a possible updates!)

Note: This is the 359th Documented Save since starting our continuous presence on Mother's Day, 2004. But this is the FIRST SAVE where we had a Black KCFL Volunteer, convincing a Black lady to go to Choices Medical Clinic, where a Black Choices Medical Clinic Volunteer gave aid comfort and advice to the client.

Since so many of Tiller's clients are Black, especially among the early-term abortions, we need more Black Volunteers at the gate, and I assume at Choices Medical Clinic too.

Please spread the word.

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