Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Richard A. "Rick" Moss
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Shift Start:Shift End:
11:30 AM1:30 PM
  CONFIRMED SAVE and TURN-AROUND; Rick Moss, Jennifer Brown, Michelle Herzog and Margaret Weaver:

(Reported via e-mail by Rick Moss)


At approximately 12:15 pm, a young Black woman in her 20’s named Tiffany, approached Tiller's gate in a black Saab convertible with Kansas plates.

She had a friend and a child in the car with her. I gave her literature and immediately told her that there was free help next door with a complete medical staff and a 4D sonogram available. She said she was scared and that she had already had a sonogram (unfortunately we did not obtain the location of where she had the sonogram) and that the baby was in two parts.

I told her that she should have another sonogram next door and that we would accompany her.

Jenny was with me on-site and went next door with her, to the ProLife Choices Medical Clinic.

She did not come back out during my shift. However, later I received a call from Margaret Weaver, who told me with great enthusiasm that the baby was perfectly healthy—a boy—and that she was going to keep him.

Margaret said that Tiffany was beaming with joy!

Praise the Lord!

Rick Moss

PS: Another event occurred when a red sedan with a gentleman came in, around 1:00 pm and Michelle Herzog approached the vehicle and gave him some literature. He stated that he was here to rescue his girl friend from the clinic, and Michelle encouraged him to do so. According to Michelle the girl friend had not had the abortion yet. Michelle prayed for him and he proceeded in. About a half hour later he came out with his girl friend and gave us the thumbs up sign.

Thanks be to God!

It is great to have good news like this ...and two weeks in a row now!!!

Rick Moss

<<UPDATE>> 2009-Feb-12 11:45 pm

I (Mark Gietzen) called Michelle Herzog to see if she had any further details to add to Rick's e-mail information. Michelle agrees with everything in Rick's e-mail, but she thinks that the second one, the rescue, was in reality, another Confirmed Save… just minus the verbal confirmation.

Since we did not have the verbal "Confirmation" of a save from the mother, we will count this second incident as a Turn-Around only.

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