Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Carmen Wittler
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Shift Start:Shift End:
12:30 PM3:15 PM
  CONFIRMED SAVE; Carmen Wittler & Donna Lampkin: (See details in the e-mail from Carmen below.)

19 October 2006
Hi Mark

We had 2 notes of interest today:

1). At 1:00 p.m. today, a young Hispanic lady with a young child parked in front of the truth truck, and approached Donna Lampkin and myself.

She said that this was the three year old boy who was saved from an abortion three years ago by sidewalk counselors at the gate. At that time, she had an appointment at Tillers, and she had gone in to have the abortion, but walked out of Tiller’s waiting room. She said if it was not for the Pro-Life people at the gate she might have gone through with the abortion. She thanked us for the work we are doing. We asked to take a picture of her and her baby and she gave us permission to do so.

2). About 2:15 p.m. a young white couple walked up to Tiller’s gate from Choices Medical Clinic. Donna Lampkin spoke to them and found out that they had an appointment at Tiller’s and had just come out of Choices, (maybe they had gone into Choices by mistake). We spoke to them about Tiller killing his patient (Christin Gilbert), and how there were people willing to adopt their baby. Donna mentioned the three year old boy that was there and how he was saved and how happy his mother is. However, the couple went on into Tiller's.

About two minutes later the couple returned with the security guard to retrieve their white Cougar, green top, CL county tags (KS) from the Choices parking lot.

Donna got after the guard to remind him that since we were not allowed on Tiller’s lot, then he was not allowed on Choices lot. He was commenting on the fact that he was not on the lot. This gave me the opportunity to speak to the couple again. Then the lady from Choices noticed the scene out front and came to help us. She put her arms around the young lady to comfort her and to continue to counsel her. The guard then threatened Choices Receptionist with assaulting the young woman, just because she had her arm around her. The couple got into their vehicle and drove into Tiller’s lot at 2:20p.m.

Then at 2:25pm. They drove out of tiller’s and headed south down Bleckley. I then went into Choices to thank the lady for the help, and to advise her that the young lady had stayed at Tiller’s for only about 5 minutes. That is when the couple had come back into Choices Medical Clinic. The young lady said that she had switched her mind.

I smiled and thanked her for not going though with it. The young couple then went back into Choices Medical Clinic.

Donna had felt that a utility truck in the Choices Medical Clinic parking lot had helped us. They were working on the light bulbs, and possibly had covered up their sign. There was a little confusion in the parking lot due to the truck.

Praise be to GOD for letting us intervene today! Jesus have Mercy on Us!

Carmen G. Wittler

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