Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Donna Lampkin |
Friday, August 18, 2006 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
11:30 AM | 3:20 PM |
CONFIRMED SAVE (tentative); Donna Lampkin & Carolyn Stuhlsatz:
At about 1:pm, a blue-grey car with GE County, KS Tag # WRQ-260, came into Tillers, and did not stop at the gate to take literature.
Donna recorded it routinely.
Then, at about 2:20 pm. A long-haired, dark-skinned lady in her 20's, who appeared to Donna to be Hispanic, came walking out of Tiller's, and stopped at the gate.
Donna offered her some Spanish language literature, but the lady told Donna that she was American Indian.
She is from Junction City, KS, 7-weeks pregnant, and told Donna that she had changed her mind about having an abortion. She stayed and talked with Donna for about 5 minutes, but she did not want to go to Choices Medical Clinic. Rather, she wanted to walk back to The Wichita Suites Hotel where she is staying.
Then, at about 2:45 pm, she came in again, in the same car, (defined above), with a Black African-American man, estimated by Carolyn to be in his middle 30's who is either the husband or boyfriend, driving.
Donna, Carolyn, and Carolyn's teen-age children who where also on-site with her, could do nothing to help the lady, but pray.
Then, as if in direct answer to prayer, at about 2:55 pm she came walking out a 2nd time to the gate, and talked to Donna and Carolyn again.
The man, in the above defined car, followed her across Tiller's parking lot, and it was obvious that the two of them had been arguing.
The young lady told Donna and Carolyn; "He is adamant that I have an abortion!"
The man sat in his car, waiting in Tiller's parking lot, while she talked to Donna and Carolyn at the gate. Unfortunately, the Truth-truck was not on-site today, or he would have had something to look at and think about while waiting at the gate, out-bound. (However, there was no sign of, nor threat of, physical violence from the man.)
When she left to walk back to the hotel a second time, he followed her in the car, driving slow, and close to the curb. Carolyn walked with her, at least to the end of Tiller's property on the north side.
As the man left Tiller's parking lot, to follow the lady, he refused to talk to Donna, and refused to take literature from her.
According to Donna, the lady seemed somewhat fearful of him, yet Donna felt that she had strength-of-character enough, not to be pushed into having the abortion. Donna encouraged her to, "stand her ground!"
Carolyn offered her a safe home, or money or anything she needed. She declined, and made Carolyn feel that she would be okay.
The lady does NOT want us to call the police for her, and she has a cell phone in case of an emergency. Donna is worried that if we call the police, that it may tip-the-scale, and cause her to loose confidence in us, and to go ahead and have the abortion.
At 4:15 pm, Donna reported this incident, having gone to the Wichita Suites parking lot, after her shift, to verify that the car was still there.
It is parked on the east side of the Wichita Suites Hotel Parking Lot.
Donna left the description of the Car with Joseph Myers whose shift follows Donna.
<UPDATE: 8:30 pm> This lady did not return today. Someone was at the gate continuously until 8:30 pm when the gate closed, specifically watching for her. Also, we checked the parking lot at Wichita Suites Hotel, and their car was not seen there since leaving Tiller's the second time. |