Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
Monday, February 16, 2009 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
10:15 AM | 12:25 PM |
CONFIRMED SAVE: Ann Carlin and Jennifer McCoy:
At about 11:30 am, a married mixed-race couple (a Black man with a Caucasian wife), in a silver-grey Odyssey Van with Kansas tags, (tag number on file) approached the gate of the Tiller abortion facility in Wichita, KS, which is oddly named: Women's Health Care Services. They were here to have an unborn, 7-week old child killed.
KCFL volunteer, Ann Carlin, stopped the car as it approached Tiller's gate, and asked them to take some proLife literature from her.
The man was very willing to talk to Ann. He not only stopped and rolled down his window to accept the literature, but he also willingly explained why they were here.
This man and his wife have been married for eight years. They have three children in addition to this pregnancy, two boys and one girl, (the oldest is 7 years old). However, about two months ago, they had marriage problems and separated for about two weeks.
During that separation, the wife became pregnant, possibly by another man - who is also an African-American man. She is now seven weeks pregnant, and she is not sure if the father is her husband or the other man. She thinks that most likely the father of her unborn child is not her husband.
One of the factors that caused this couple to consider an abortion today, is that the possible father of the unborn child is a much darker-colored man, than is the husband, and they felt that the husband's non-paternity of the child would be obvious in later years.
In any case, Ann was successful in talking to them about adoption, explaining that she herself was an adopted child.
Ann was able to talk them into going over to the proLife Choice Medical Clinic, which is located next door to Tiller's abortion facility.
At about 12:05 pm, as Ann's replacement, Jennifer McCoy, was coming to take her shift at Tiller's gate, she noticed that the couple was still sitting in their car in Choices Parking Lot, talking to each other, apparently trying to decide what to do. They had not gone into Choices yet.
After telling Jennifer McCoy what was going on, Jennifer and Ann decided to go to the car in Choices Parking lot, and again, to talk to the couple.
One of the things that Jennifer told them, is; " does not matter who the father is. No matter what, this is a child of God, and no one has a right to kill the child!"
Furthermore, the mother estimates that there is a 60-40 chance that her husband is the father of the child anyway.
Sensing that the man needed to hear from another man, Jennifer called me, (Mark Gietzen) on her cell phone, and asked if I would talk to him.
The man was receptive to a conversation with me, and I urged him to forgive his wife for what had happened. I told him that I understand how hard that would be for him.
We talked about both the option of him raising the child as his own, and the option of them putting the child up for adoption. I told him that either of those life-giving options will leave him and his family with much more happiness in their future, than the memory of having killed a child who had done nothing wrong in its life.
I felt like this man appreciated the fact that I understood the seriousness of the offense against him, and that I understood how hard it would be to be forgiving, in this circumstance.
It was hard for me to keep from becoming too emotional on the phone. (Later in the afternoon Jennifer mentioned that the man had tears in his eyes when he was speaking to me on the phone, and I told her; "So did I.")
In any case, the man told me that he would go into Choices Medical Clinic, as I asked him to do, and that he would think things over.
We exchanged contact information before parting ways, and I told him that KCFL would help him and his family in any way that they may need. All we would need is a phone call from him.
However, according to KCFL Volunteer, Jennifer McCoy, the couple NEVER went into Choices Medical Clinic. Rather they sat there and talked at length to Jennifer. (Ann, went back to watch |