Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Brandi Lozier (Abortion Survivor) |
Thursday, October 16, 2008 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
12:16 AM | 2:00 AM |
About half an hour past midnight, Brandi Lozier called with an urgent call for help. She reported that two males, estimated to be in their 20's had exited a dark blue Chevrolet Tahoe SUV, at about 12:25 am, and were vandalizing the KCFL Cross display on the north side, by removing and breaking Crosses.
I immediately called the Police, and went out on-site.
All 23 of the large Crosses along Kellogg drive, had been up-rooted, and about 30 of the small Crosses along Bleckley Street, north of the tree, had been uprooted, all north of the tree which partially blocks their view from people at the gate.
It was very fortunate that KCFL Volunteer, Greg Biggs, who was assigned the 11: pm to midnight shift, had stayed on-site to be with Brandi and Juanita.
Greg was able to stop the vandalism, with the vandals running away as he approached them. Brandi got some video footage of the vehicle as it was leaving the area, however, no license plate is visible on that video footage.
The vandals disappeared prior to the arrival of the police. A police report was made.
The unbroken Crosses were re-set and repairs will be made to the broken Crosses. Within 15 minutes after the incident, the KCFL Cross display was, for the most part, back in order.
The actual dollar value of the loss is less than $25 in broken small Crosses. |