Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Joy A. Drouhard |
Monday, June 4, 2007 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
10:20 AM | 12:10 PM |
CONFIRMED SAVE; Joy Drouhard, Ron Monaco and Jennifer McCoy:
At about 10:45 am, a young Hispanic lady named "Joanna" (spelling-?) and two adults who appeared to be her parents, came walking northbound toward Tiller's gate on Bleckley Street.
Two KCFL volunteers at the gate, Ron Monaco and Joy Drouhard, stopped them before they got to Tiller's gate and talked to them. They directed them back to Choices Medical Clinic, which they had just passed.
However, when the three of them got to the door at Choices, they just waited there, apparently afraid or unsure about going in.
At that point, Joy went to the door at Choices Medical Clinic, invited them in, and introduced them to the receptionist. (Only the young lady, Joanna, seemed fluent in English.) Joy also gave her phone number to Joanna, and asked her to call in the event that she needed help for any reason. Joanna accepted Joy's phone number.
After about two hours, at 12:40 pm, when Jennifer McCoy had replaced Joy and Ron on-site, the three of them came out of Choices Medical Clinic.
Knowing about the events that had taken place earlier, Jennifer talked with Joanna after she came out of Choices Medical Clinic.
Joanna confirmed that she is keeping her baby. Joanna told Jennifer that she is early in her pregnancy and that she is scheduled for another follow-up appointment at Choices Medical Clinic.
Note that this event occurred just about ½ hour after Operation Rescue parked the Truth-truck on-site. (The Truth-truck had been in California for the past few weeks.) Although it was not mentioned in the Incident Report from any of the three KCFL Volunteers involved, it certainly is beneficial to have the truck on-site
especially for pedestrians who generally have more time to look at it than does someone who drives in to Tiller's.
Joanna's Mother and Father may not be fluent in English; however anyone can understand the Truth-truck photos.
In any case, our records clearly document the fact that the more presence we have on-site, the more saves we have. |