Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Barbara Meyer |
Friday, June 13, 2008 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
12:30 PM | 1:30 PM |
TURN-AROUND; Jerry & Barbara Meyer and Donna Lampkin:
At about 12:55 a nice lady, who appeared to be in her early 20's, Caucasian, with long bright carrot-orange colored hair in a pony-tail, came down Bleckley Street in a silver Nissan with Kansas Tags, and turned onto Tiller's drive way.
As she made her turn onto Tiller's driveway, she stopped with the majority of her car still on Bleckley Street, and only the front tire on Tiller's driveway. She was willing to talk to Donna and Barbara.
Even though she was not legally parked, Donna and Barbra convinced her to stay right there, without going in any further while they talked to her.
She accepted literature and eventually decided to go to the proLife Choices Medical Clinic, which is located next door to Tiller's abortion facility.
She stayed in Choices Medical Clinic until 2:25 pm, then left on Orme street, without ever going into Tiller's facility.
She was considering an abortion due to economic hardship. She already has two small children and there does not appear to be a supportive father in the picture.
When she left Choices at 2:25 pm, Jerry and Barbara had already left, and Donna was talking to another pregnant lady, and was not able to get the rest of the story from her. Otherwise, this may have been counted as a Confirmed Save, because Choices Medical Clinic is so good at what they do. (However, Choices cannot share information with KCFL; we have to get it from the clients themselves.)
There is a 90% chance that this story will have a happy ending, and that we will not see her again, but this is being counted as a Turn-Around for lack of verbal confirmation. |