Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Dale C. Weldy
Friday, June 22, 2007
Shift Start:Shift End:
6:45 AM8:38 AM
  CONFIRMED SAVE (TWINS): Amanda McGuire and Dale Weldy:

At about 8:20 am, two black females (a pregnant lady about 27 years old, and her twin sister) came in to Tiller's parking lot in a black Ford Explorer with Sedgwick County, KS tags. Only one of the ladies is pregnant.

They refused literature on their way in, but were aware that Dale and Amanda wanted to talk to them.

Just 20 minutes later, at about, 8:40 am, they came out of Tiller's building and stopped at the gate to talk to Amanda and Dale. In that position, they were looking directly at the Truth-truck, and this time, they accepted the literature and talked openly to Dale and Amanda.

The lady is pregnant with twins, and she told Dale and Amanda that she just could not go through with the abortion. She has changed her mind and is keeping these twins!

According to Amanda, she seemed relived and happy having made the life-giving decision.

This is actually her second set of twins. She already has a set of twins at home - apparently toddler age.

She had learned from a sonogram a few days ago that she is pregnant with twins, and was overwhelmed by the thought of raising four children young children. By the grace of God, she came to realize what the abortion would do to her twin unborn babies (and to her) before it was too late.

Dale's impression of the situation and conversation, is that there is no way that this lady will come back in for an abortion.

This confirmed save counts for TWO!

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