Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Jennifer (Sperle) McCoy III |
Friday, November 30, 2007 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
10:30 AM | 1:00 PM |
ATTEMPTED FORCED / COERCED ABORTION - Upgraded to a TURN-AROUND, and a separate CONFIRMED SAVE: Jennifer McCoy, Donna Lampkin, an unknown new female volunteer from Missouri who is not yet part of KCFL, Mark Gietzen, and a Wichita Police Officer:
Around 11:00 am a green, full-sized, pick-up truck with Labette County, KS tags came into Tiller's parking lot, carrying a young Caucasian couple, who appeared to be in their early 20's and who were not getting along with each other. The man had brown hair, and the young lady had shoulder-length strawberry blond hair.
They parked their truck on the south side of Tiller's parking lot, near the gate where the Sidewalk Counselors could easily hear them arguing, and where the Sidewalk Counselors could talk to them.
Also, on-site, at the gate with Donna and Jennifer, there was a new proLife volunteer, who has showed up on-site once before. She drives a car with Missouri tags (may be moving to Kansas), and she was there talking to Jennifer and Donna, asking them about our daily project at Tiller's gate. She had just arrived a few minutes before this event occurred. She does not know anything about the rules that proLife volunteers must live by, and we do not yet know her name.
As the young couple argued with each other about their scheduled early-term abortion, and since it was apparent that the man wanted this lady to have an abortion, and that the lady did not want it, this new proLifer was just over-come with emotion... she marched right across the line, into Tiller's parking lot, intent on helping the young lady. She yelled to the man: "DON'T YOU MAKE HER DO THIS! I HAD AN ABORTION AND I KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!"
and even more insistently, "DO NOT MAKE HER DO THIS!"
The young couple argued as they walked toward the door of Tiller's facility. The young lady would stop, and the man would yell at her, in a bullying manner, and she would walk extremely slowly, with the new proLife lady right beside her, telling her not to do it.
In this unusual fashion, the three of them eventually went out of sight of the KCFL volunteers at the gate, and eventually out of hearing range too.
About 5 minutes later, the new proLife volunteer came running through Tiller's parking lot, and as she passed Jennifer and Donna at the gate, she yelled; "I DID ALL I COULD!
" and she kept running. She then went and hid in a place beyond where Tiller's security cameras could see her.
Just then, Tiller's Security Guard, Mike Hartup, came running through the parking lot and out the gate after her, presumably to hand-cuff her as has been done in the past to proLife volunteers who step over the line.
Mike asked Donna and Jennifer where she was, but they would not tell him where she was hiding. He looked around for her for awhile, but eventually gave up and went back into Tiller's building.
In spite of the noble attempt by this new proLifer at the gate, the couple was in Tiller's and all Donna and Jennifer could do was pray ...which is exactly what they did!
Their prayer was abundantly answered!
In about 1/2 an hour, the young couple came back out. The young lady seemed happy. As they were walking to their truck. She told Jennifer and Donna that she did NOT have the abortion.
The man was acting just the opposite. He yelled some unflattering things to Donna and Jennifer, about them minding their own business, and when they left the gate, he waved a good-bye with a stiff middle finger, for both Donna and Jennifer.
But it was not over.
At about 1:30 pm, the same couple, in the same pick-up truck came back in again.
It looked like the bully had won!
This time they parked close to Tiller's front door, and by the time Donna went to the porch at Choices Medical Clinic, to view Tiller's front door area, they had already gone in for the abortion.
I, Mark Gietzen, came by to check on how things were going on-site, following the Friday meeting of The Wichita Pachyderm. Donna told me the above information, and on my way home, I decided to call the police, |