Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Carmen Wittler |
Thursday, July 31, 2008 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
9:35 AM | 12:40 PM |
TURN AROUND-1 & 2; Carmen Wittler:
(Reported via e-mail by Carmen Wittler)
This morning I watched Father Frank Pavone and Father Mitch Pacwa on EWTN right before my shift started. They truly inspired me today.
About 10:30 am, a gold sedan with temporary tags, (number on file) driving north on Beckley Street, slowed downed at the gate, they had the windows wide open due to the heat.
The two African-American women slowed down and stopped by the Truth-truck on the right and my baby poster on their left side.
I had the opportunity to tell them about adoptions and Choices Medical Clinic next door. The driver had said that she had an appointment in Tillers.
I told them that there was no going back once you started this. I also advised them of the medical dangers. Then another car from inside Tiller's wanted out, so I asked the two ladies to go into Choices Medical Clinic, which is next door to Tiller's.
They actually pulled-in backwards, by just going in reverse into the Choices parking lot. I walked over, and continued to talk to them. I told them what we all could do for her and her baby. I gave them brochures and spoke to the 3-months-pregnant Mom who was driving the vehicle. She has a tattoo on her left side of her neck which displays Sara.
I mentioned that there are a couple of Choices around the city if she need help. She said; I really need to think about this and will take home the brochure and read it!!!
Then, without going into Choices Medical Clinic, she left southbound on Beckley Street.
At 11:10 am, a blue car with Kansas tags, came driving north on Beckley Street, and pulled into Tillers Parking Lot. However, at the gate, she slowed down first and we talked a little. She said that she was looking for Choices to pick up her prenatal care pills. This car had only one person in it, one African-American woman. I advised her that she missed their drive way. I said you dont want to go in there
that is the abortion place
She replied
"Youre right, I dont! She drove to Choices and went in.
Then at 11:30 am. A large white SUV with Kansas tag number: (on file), carrying two Hispanic looking females, drove from Kellogg southbound on Beckley Street. The older of the two women was driving
and a three-month pregnant young Mom was in the front passenger seat.
The driver slowed down and I waved at them. She stopped and we talked for a while about the medical dangers of abortions, including Christine Gilbert's death. I recommended that they go to Choices Medical Clinic at the next driveway, but at first she did not go.
It seemed that the driver had purposely stopped her SUV right along side the huge picture of the aborted baby on the Truth-truck, visible from the pregnant Moms side so that she could see the results of an abortion.
I told her; You dont want to have an abortion ...there are lots of people here to help you!"
The driver wanted to know far long during the pregnancy they could get help (i.e., an abortion)?
I mentioned that Tiller does abortions throughout the whole pregnancy.
I gave her the brochure and pleaded with the pregnant Mom for her babies sake. Finally, they went into Choices Medical Clinic, instead of going into Tiller's.
At the end of my shift, at 12:40 pm, they were still in Choices and so I brought a baby blanket from the Truth-truck to the receptionist at Choices to give to the Mom.
I believe that the driver did not want the abortion, in the first place, as she was steering the conversation toward having the baby.
At 11:40 am, Tiller left the facility, just after these ladies went into Choices.
I am praying for them all!
Carmen Wittler
S.W.C. |