Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Donna Lampkin |
Friday, October 6, 2006 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
11:40 AM | 3:15 PM |
CONFIRMED SAVE; Donna Lampkin:
At about 1 pm, a car with Barton County, KS Tags came into Tiller's gate with what appeared to be a mother (the driver) with a teenage daughter in the front seat, and a teenage boy in the back seat. Donna thinks that the boy may have been the young girl's brother, but it is possible that he could have been a boyfriend and the father of the unborn child.
They came in very slowly among the many ProLife volunteers from the Guadalupe Rosary Crusade, but the car did not stop at the gate on the way in.
Donna made an attempt to talk to them as they went from their car to the building, but they did not respond.
About an hour later, at about 2 pm, the car came out, and this time they stopped at the gate, only to tell Donna that they had changed their mind!
It was the young man in the back seat that did the talking, and he was very polite to Donna.
The driver, who was apparently a bit scared of all the ProLife activity going on on-site, would not open the window all the way, rather just about 1/2 way down. Nevertheless, after a brief conversation, they agreed to accept a baby blanket, which Donna managed to squeeze into the 1/2 opened window.
The news of this save was greeted with Prayers of Thanksgiving among the members of the Guadalupe Rosary Crusade for Life, who were present on-site 24 hours today. |