Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Francis William "Bill" Lewis
Monday, January 6, 2014
Shift Start:Shift End:
2:40 PM4:00 PM
  TURN AROUND; Bill Lewis & Jeanmarie Murry: (Notes from Bill:) I had an interesting experience at the abortion clinic during my watch today. Two Spanish ladies from Texas arrived at the clinic about 3:35 P.M. I wasn't quick enough to catch them when they drove in; however, I was able to stop them when they were leaving, about 3:50 P. M. I offered them literature and told them there was a better choice. As I was visiting with them, Carl, the security guard, came out and told them they could not block the driveway. He told them they would have to pull over on the side street, which they did. I visited with them some more and told them that they could get a free sonogram, next door. They asked if someone at the clinic spoke Spanish. I told them I didn't know for sure, but they would have someone who would be able to help them. It was difficult to communicate with them, as they had difficulty speaking English and I don't speak Spanish. However, I was able to convince them to go to the Choices Medical Clinic and they drove their car into the clinic parking lot. They went inside and I am hoping that once they see the sonogram and with the assistance from Choices staff, that they will not elect to have an abortion. From what little I could tell from my visit, they were looking for a better choice than abortion. I prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would guide these young ladies into making the right choice and to save that baby. Also, I want to point out that Carl was calm and very professional in how he handled the situation and I thanked him.

At 4:pm, during the shift change these ladies were still in Choices Medical Clinic. When they came out, they interacted with Jeanmarie Murry in a positive way. This is certainly a Turn-Around, maybe an actual Confirmed Save.

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