Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Therese A. Dippolito
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Shift Start:Shift End:
4:00 PM5:00 PM
  TURN-AROUND-1; Therese Dippolito:

A Caucasian lady in her late 30s was leaving Tiller's building at about 4:15 pm, and was walking across Tiller's parking lot to her vehicle, when Therese attempted to talk to her. She stopped and talked to Therese on her way to her vehicle, then got into her small white truck, (with Kansas Tags) and stopped at the gate to talk more to Therese.

She was with her Mom, who appeared to be about in her 50's, but who was mostly listening, rather then talking.

The Mom took several pieces of literature from Therese, and then gave them to her daughter. They stayed and talked at length.

Therese wanted to send her to Choices Medical Clinic, but Choices was closed for the day.

The lady was three months pregnant, and after seeing the literature, and talking with Therese for about 10 minutes, she told Therese that she had canceled her appointment with Tiller, and that she was not going to have an abortion here. (However, she did not confirm that she was not going to have an abortion elsewhere.)

There was enough communication to count this as a Turn-Around, but not enough to count this as a Confirmed Save.

Therese referred her to the KCFL web-site and gave them Mark Gietzen's phone number.

<UPDATE 2006-Jul-28> Donna Lampkin had spoken to this pair earlier in the day as they came in, and parked their white pick-up on the south side of the parking lot. This was vehicle #10 on Donna's list.

TURN-AROUND-2; Therese Dippolito:

At about 4:40 pm, an Asian lady who appeared to be in her middle 20s, and a girlfriend who was with her to support her, stopped at Choices Medical Clinic, which was closed for the day.

She was driving a small, older, 4-door car, tan in color, with Kansas tags. They had the windows down due to the severe heat, and apparently no air-conditioning in the vehicle.

Therese approached her car and was able to talk to them easily with the open car windows.

They were looking for Women's Health Care Services, and Tiller's gate was still open.

Therese talked them out of going in to Tiller's parking lot, and engaged them in conversation. The driver was the only one pregnant, and they were not aware that "Women's Health Care" was an abortion clinic.

They waited in Choices parking lot while Therese got some literature for them, and they were interested in what Therese had to say. They asked several questions.

Therese reported that they seemed confused and it appeared that they did not know what was going on.

They were particularly interested in the Press Release about Christin Gilbert, which they read and commented on. After spending about 15 minutes with Therese, all in the Choices parking lot, they left due to the extreme heat.

Therese gave them the phone number to KCFL, and the KCFL web-site, and directed them to come back to Choices Medical Clinic in the morning.

They thanked Therese abundantly for the literature and for her time.

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