Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Cathy Somes
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Shift Start:Shift End:
9:30 AM12:00 PM
  CONFIRMED SAVE; Cathy Somes:

While Cathy Somes was on site, a 45 year old man who was alone in a white Jeep, stopped his Jeep on Bleckley Street directly in front of Tiller's driveway, (parallel to the Truth-truck, but on the opposite side of the street).

He began talking to Cathy about the Truth-truck, and at first Cathy thought that he was just a curious, friendly, passer-by. However, he was anything but friendly!

Getting out of his Jeep, and walking toward Cathy, this man who is about 6' 2" tall, became angry with Cathy, and told her that his girlfriend had aborted his child, (years ago), and that there was nothing that he could do about it… His main point was that he was tired of us, quote: "…THROWING THIS TRASH IN MY FACE!" gesturing to the Truth-truck.

The man eventually told Cathy that he is 45, married, and that his wife cannot have kids.

According to Cathy, he is obviously hurting inside.

Cathy said: "I will pray for you!"

When the man replied in a threatening way, "DON'T PRAY FOR ME!" Cathy was somewhat worried that he might physically assault her.

The man, who is about 6' 2" tall, continued his aggressive behavior, complaining about not wanting to be reminded of a his dead baby!

Just then, at about 10:20 am, with this angry man's Jeep still obstructing Tiller's driveway, a beautiful, 19 year-old Caucasian college student in a silver Altima, approached Tiller's entrance. However, she could not get past the angry man's Jeep to enter Tiller's parking lot.

Actually, this young lady had circled around the block, once, while the angry man was arguing with Cathy. This time she stopped …intent on entering Tiller's Parking Lot.

(We are withholding all other identifying information about this 19 year-old pregnant girl - because the information that we have is too specific. Her first name starts with a "K" so I will refer to her only as "K".)

K waited for the man to move his Jeep, and as he move out of the way, she entered Tiller's driveway. However, as that was happening, Cathy successfully started a personal conversation with her.

(Had it not been for the angry man's vehicle which was parked in the way, Cathy said that she would likely not have had the opportunity to talk to K.)

K looked scared - Cathy asked her if she was scared.

K quietly said "Yes".

Cathy must have said just the right things to K, because after the angry man left, Cathy continued to talk to this beautiful young lady, at length, and Cathy was undoubtedly a Godsend for her.

K is from a good, faith-filled, family who live in another state out west. She is here in Kansas on her own, working in an exciting career, and at the same time, she is going to college.

K is pregnant, but she does not really want an abortion. She is in a predicament and she does not know what to do.

While talking to this wonderful girl, Cathy became an instant friend to her.

After answering many questions, and telling her that she had options, Cathy asked her to go to the proLife Choices Medical Clinic, which is next door to Tiller's abortion facility.

K was too scared to go in to Choices by herself, so Cathy asked K if she would go, if she were to come with her.

K said "Yes".

At that point, Cathy called me to say that she was going to Choices with K, and that she was not abandoning the Crosses, incase Tiller's Security or the Wichita Police were to question that.

Cathy and K went into Choices, and Cathy did not just introduce K, and leave. Rather, Cathy stayed with K until the time was right to leave. That was at about 10:40 am.

When Cathy left her in the good hands of the people at Choices Medical Clinic - K gave Cathy a big hug. There was already a close bond between Cathy and K, in just that short time.

At about 1:pm, Rick Moss, who had replaced Cathy Somes on-site, reported that K had left Choices Medical Clinic, and did not return to Tillers. K had been in Choices Medical Clinic for over two hours.

This is being counted as a CONFIRMED SAVE due to the connection between Cathy and K,

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