Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Donna Lampkin
Friday, May 9, 2008
Shift Start:Shift End:
12:00 PM3:00 PM
  CONFIRMED SAVE; Donna Lampkin & Bob Young.

Even though Donna Lampkin was not on the schedule today, she came out on-site for three hours to assist Bob Young, a KCFL volunteer from New York, who has been in Wichita, Kansas these past few weeks, taking several shifts on-site at the Tiller Late-Term Abortion facility.

During her time on-site today, there were two (2) Confirmed Saves; one by a Hispanic lady and one by an African-American lady.


At 12:55 pm, a young-looking Hispanic female in a black Gran Prix, with Kansas Tags (tag number on file) approached Tiller's gate. She was alone in the vehicle, and she stopped to talk to Donna and to take some literature.

Donna attempted to get her to go over to the proLife Choices Medical Clinic, which is located next door to Tiller's abortion facility, but she declined and went on into Tillers for her scheduled early-term abortion.

By the grace of God, an hour and five minutes later, at about 2 pm, she came back to the gate, and voluntarily talked to Donna.

In broken English, and with words filled with emotion, the young lady said to Donna: "I didn't take it out!" meaning, she did not have the abortion.

She went on to tell Donna that when she got inside, she changed her mind, and just could not do it.

Donna again attempted to get her to go to Choices Medical Clinic for help, but she declined the offer of help, and left after brief conversation.


At 12:50 pm, just prior to the time that the above vehicle in Confirmed Save # 1 came in, two African-American females came in to Tiller's facility, in a blue Chevy Malibu, with Sedgwick County, Kansas, Tags (tag number on file).

They did not stop on their way in, but Donna attempted to talk to them as they walked across Tiller's parking lot.

They left Tillers at 2:35 pm, while Donna was completing the report on Confirmed Save #1, and also stopped to talk to Donna on their way out.

Only one of the women was pregnant, the other had come along as a support person.

The pregnant lady told Donna that she did not have the abortion as planned... that she just could not go through with it.

Donna offered her help at Choices Medical Clinic, and she declined. Donna offered her a baby blanket, but she declined that as well, saying: "I am okay. Thanks, but I am going to be okay."

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