Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Donna Lampkin
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Shift Start:Shift End:
8:30 AM12:00 PM
  CONFIRMED SAVE; Donna Lampkin:

At about 9:10 am, two Caucasian ladies, from Oklahoma, both in their 20s, who came in this morning when Dale was on duty, came out of Tiller's parking lot with tears in their eyes.

Only one of the young girls was pregnant, and she told Donna that she just could not go through with the abortion.

Donna tried to get them to go over to Choices Medical Clinic, but the young pregnant lady said that she did not need to go to Choices, as she was sure that she was keeping her baby.

The young ladies accepted a baby blanket from Donna, as well as some ProLife literature.

Donna encouraged them to look for a Pregnancy Crisis center in Oklahoma.

It was an emotion-filled event. Not all information that we have is being shared here, due to the public nature of this posting.

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