Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Mrs. Mary LaFrancis, R.N.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Shift Start:Shift End:
7:40 AM2:40 PM
  TURN-AROUND - Mary LaFrancis, Brandi Lozier, Catherine Grayson, and Sherry Walsh:

Mary LaFrancis, a 40-Days for Life KCFL Volunteer from Iowa, was working the gate for seven hours today, dressed in her Registered Nurse's White Uniform, and wearing a Stethoscope. She is able to speak effectively to potential Tiller clients.

At 1:58 pm, a red Saturn with Sedgwick County Kansas Tags (tag number on file) stopped on Tiller's driveway to accept printed literature from Mary and the other volunteers who were on-site with Mary.

In the car was a young African-American couple, (not married) but with a baby in the back seat, in a child's car seat. They were here for an early-term abortion.

After talking for a long time (?) to Mary and after looking at the literature, they went into Tiller's parking lot - apparently to talk things over between the two of them.

Three minutes later, at 2:01 pm, they came back out of Tiller's Parking Lot, having never gotten out of their car.

This vehicle did not return to Tiller's facility.

Based on the communication and interaction with the volunteers on-site, this is very highly likely to be a confirmed save, however it is being counted only as a Turn-Around (counted at 50%) because we did not get verbal confirmation from the mother that she is keeping the baby.

We thank God that this mother, who entered Tiller's parking lot with two young children in good healthy condition, left with two children in good healthy condition… one in the car seat, and one in her womb.

We also thank God for volunteers like Mary LaFrancis who travel long distances at their own expense to do what they can to promote good and to oppose the evil act of abortion.

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