Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Jennifer (Sperle) McCoy III
Monday, December 1, 2008
Shift Start:Shift End:
12:00 PM2:00 PM
  CONFIRMED SAVE (Upgraded from a Turn-Around on Dec-2); Jennifer McCoy:

At about 1: pm, while Jennifer McCoy was taking her shift at the gate of the Tiller Late-term Abortion Facility in Wichita, Kansas, a car came out of the ProLife Choices Medical Clinic, which is next door to Tiller's facility, and approached Tiller's driveway.

It was a young black woman driver named, Chondra, who is 23 years old. She is pregnant with her 4th baby, and she stopped at the gate to talk to Jennifer.

She first took literature form Jennifer, and then told her what the problem was. She was not here for an abortion, but her friend, Jamie, who is 21 years old, single, and 5 1/2 months pregnant, was already inside of Tiller's building, intending to abort her child. Chondra had been at Choices Medical Clinic, for help with her own pregnancy, and she was upset that her friend was about to kill her child.

(Chondra, is a victim of a forced abortion that occurred when she was 12 years old, and she is strongly against abortion.)

Chondra asked Jennifer for help and advice, in how to keep her friend, Jamie, from having an abortion.

Knowing that Tiller's Security did not know who Chondra was, Jennifer asked her to go inside, with literature (concealed) for her friend, Jamie.

The fact that Chondra is pregnant made it less likely that Tiller's security would recognize her as a proLife "messenger-on-a-mission". Jennifer urged her to simply have Jamie come out to the gate, where Jennifer was confident they would be able to take her to Choices Medical Clinic.

(The people who work inside Choices Medical Clinic are so professional, and the 3-D sonogram is so effective, that if we can get an abortion-bound person into Choices, the save rate is above 90%.)

Chondra went in side, while Jennifer waited and prayed at the gate. At about 1:30 pm, Chondra came back out, crying, and unfortunately alone.

Chondra was upset because she could not get Jamie to come back out with her. The problem was that Jamie's Mom was in there with her, and to some extent, Jamie was under her Mom's control. Jamie's Mom took the literature, but at least she read it.

Jennifer told Chondra that on a late-term abortion like this, the baby would not actually be killed until Tuesday, and this gave Chondra hope.

Chondra and Jennifer started working on "Plan-B"

Before she left, Chondra exchanged contact information with Jennifer, and asked Jennifer to come with her to Jamie's house later in the day - when they planned to be together. Jennifer agreed, and devoted the rest of her day to saving the life of Jamie's child.

This log reflects that Jennifer left Tiller's gate, at 2:pm. In reality, Jennifer was on the job, off-site until about 2:am, talking with Jamie, with Jamie's mother, with the boyfriend, and of course - with Chondra.

<<UPDATE: 2008-Dec-02 8:37 pm>>

The good news is that Jamie's baby, who under normal circumstances would have been routinely killed by a lethal injection (through the abdominal wall) today, is alive and well.

Due to the efforts of Jennifer and Chondra, Jamie did not keep her appointment for the late-term abortion at Tiller's today.

Furthermore, the father of the child is on Jennifer and Chondra's side. He is urging Jamie not to kill their baby, and this is having a strong, positive impact on Jamie.

As it turned out, it was Jamie's Mother who most needed to read the material that was intended for Jamie, and Jamie has read it too. Even Jamie's mother is now in favor of keeping the child.

Jennifer said that this meets our definition of a Confirmed Save, but that it is a situation in need of prayer.

Please say both a prayer of thanksgiving, for the events of yesterday and today, and a prayer of intersession that this "Confirmed Save" will end in the birth of a beautiful child.

(Look for an update in March or April of 2009.)

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