Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Janet Moore
Friday, November 7, 2008
Shift Start:Shift End:
12:10 PM2:50 PM
  CONFIRMED SAVE and TURN-AROUND; Janet Moore, and Jennifer McCoy (on Turn-Around only):


This incident actually begins a week ago today, when a young Asian couple stopped at the gate to take literature from Janet last Friday. However, after taking the literature and after a brief exchange, they went into Tiller's facility for a sonogram and to schedule an abortion, in spite of Janet's efforts to persuade them not to.

Today this same couple came in again, in the same Kansas vehicle (tag number on file) but this time they were here for the actual abortion.

They did not stop at the gate, but Janet recognized them. When they got out of their car in the parking lot, Janet called out to them, in a last-minute effort to save the child's life.

At first it seemed to Janet like her efforts were in vein, however, after being in Tiller's facility for about __________ minutes, the couple re-appeared at the gate.

This time, they stopped and told Janet that they had changed their mind about having an abortion.

We do not know what actually made them change their mind, but Janet's last minute effort to communicate with them in the parking lot, may have been the one thing that tipped the scales in their minds in favor of life.

Please join us in a prayer of Thanksgiving for their change of mind, and for this child, that he or she may live a long, productive and happy life.

A black couple in a dark colored Excursion with Sedgwick County Kansas tags (tag number on file) came into Tiller's and did not stop to take literature at the gate.

When they got out of their car in the parking lot, Janet attempted to talk to them, and to encourage them to go to Choices Medical Clinic, however, the couple did not speak to Janet.

They went on inside, out of sight of the volunteers at the gate. (This was just before Jennifer arrived on-site.) Then, after taking the lady inside, the man left alone. He was crying when he left the gate alone.

About five minutes later, after he left Tiller's gate, he came back into Tiller's parking lot.

We believe that he had a change of heart, because again, within a few minutes, they both left together. It is possible that he was the one who wanted the abortion, not her.

The entire time spent inside was not enough to have done any procedure whatsoever, not even a sonogram nor an evaluation.

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