Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Mark S. Gietzen |
Monday, August 28, 2006 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
5:45 PM | 6:15 PM |
Seven (7) large Crosses from the north side were reported missing by Randy Blasi. The seven were from those locations nearest to the Dopps Clinic.
I entered Dopps Clinic to inquire about the Crosses, and was met by a receptionist who rudely asked, "you mean the seven Crosses that you set on our property?"
I told her that the Crosses were set on City easement, not on Dopps' property. She said that the mower had taken them, and went to get the phone number of the mower: 838-0545.
I went to the Mazda dealership to call that number on the courtesy phone, and a gentleman answered. However, when I introduced myself, he hung up on me. I called again - he hung up again.
I then called Operation Rescue to help put a name and address to the number. It was: Thomas E. Myers, 1910 West 37th Court North.
KCFL volunteer, Randy Blasi and I went to that address, and saw the mower that is normally used to mow Dopps' grass.
Thomas was standing outside and asked who I was looking for. I said that I was really looking for the Crosses. Thomas E. Myers immediately got defensive and told me to leave his property.
He was verbally threatening, but was too intimidated by the mere presence of Randy Blasi, such that he was all bark and no bite.
Not getting the Crosses from him, I called the police, and three officers showed up.
I told them why I was there, and they questioned Thomas about the whereabouts of the Crosses.
Thomas claimed to be "raised Catholic, and even ProLife - and to not have had anything to do with the Crosses after moving them to mow, as he has done for over two years now."
The Police issued Case No: 06L66823. Officer R. Henning # 2182, Phone: 688-9500 agreed to have another officer check Tiller's Security Camera in the morning to see what actually happened to the Crosses.
My feeling is that Thomas E. Myers has them, or did something with them, or he would not have hung up the phone on me when I called him. |