Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Randy Blasi
Monday, June 4, 2007
Shift Start:Shift End:
4:00 PM6:05 PM
  While Randy was on-site, two young Asian males came into Tiller's parking lot. One dropped the other off, then left with the vehicle.

The young man who stayed had a girlfriend inside who was getting an abortion, and he wanted to try and stop her from killing his child.

Tiller's Security Guard, Carl Swinney, threw the young guy out of the building, and he came out and stood by Randy at the gate for about 1/2 an hour.

Even though he was warned by Carl Swinney not to come back in, he decided to go in anyway. When he stepped onto Tiller's parking lot, Randy warned him that he was now subject to arrest for trespassing, and that Carl would likely call the police, because he is being watched via the security cameras.

The young man called his friend who came to pick him up. Moments later, a Wichita Police Officer arrived, and then minutes later, two more Wichita Police Officers. They first went inside - likely to view the security video, then drove around looking for the young man.

To the best of our knowledge, the police did not find the young man.

It is not certain that his girlfriend was even there while he was there looking for her. She may have left prior to his arrival, or with staff or in a vehicle unknown to us after he got there.

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