Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Donna Lampkin
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Shift Start:Shift End:
11:50 AM2:45 PM
  CONFIRMED SAVE; Donna Lampkin & Betty Chamberlain:

At about 12:20 pm, a young Caucasian couple in a pick-up truck, with Kansas Tags, went in to Tiller's parking lot, and parked on the south side.

Donna attempted to communicate with them from the gate when they opened the doors of the vehicle. But, they apparently did not want to talk to Donna, and they got back in their vehicle and moved it to the north side of the lot, where Donna could not talk to them from the gate. (Carl Swinney may have also motioned them to park closer to the door, but one cannot see him doing that from the gate.)

Then about 15 minutes later, they came back out of Tiller's and went directly to Choices Medical Clinic, as Donna had earlier urged them to do, as she was yelling across the parking lot, before they had repositioned their vehicle.

When they got out of their vehicle, at Choices, Donna advised them to let the staff at Choices know that they had come to Choices at Donna's request. (This is to avoid having to wait at Choices.)

They stayed at Choices Medical Clinic for about two hours.

When they came out of Choices, KCFL volunteer, Betty Chamberlain had arrived for her shift, and they talked with her.

The couple is actually a brother & sister, and she is carrying a little boy. (The whereabouts and the wishes of the father of this baby are not known.) She is in her second trimester of pregnancy.

The lady had changed her mind about having the abortion, because while she was sitting in the waiting room at Tiller's she had asked God for a sign. She reported that immediately she began to feel bad about being there for an abortion, and decided to leave.

However, when they got up to leave, one of Tiller's staff members had asked them, why they were leaving. Not wanting to answer the question directly, the guy simply told Tiller's staff member that they had just decided to get married! (Of course, this was just a ruse to avoid having to explain their change-of-mind to Tiller's staff.)

Both the mother and the uncle seemed happy about their decision not to have the abortion, and she was very proud of the sonogram photos of her baby.

Before leaving, they accepted a baby blanket, and three pieces of baby clothing from Donna.

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