Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
Saturday, November 1, 2008 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
12:50 PM | 2:05 PM |
At about 1:40 pm, while 40-Days for Life volunteer, John Pride, was taking an afternoon shift at the gate of the Tiller Late-term Abortion facility in Wichita, Kansas, Bonnie Rhodes-Moss, of South Haven Kansas, who works for Abortionist Tiller as an after-hours Security Guard, came into Tiller's Parking Lot with a man in her car with her. (Bonnie has her own remote control opener for Tiller's gate.)
John Pride thinks that the man with her may have been her husband, but he has no way of knowing for sure.
Bonnie did not see John on her way in, as he was standing by the Truth-truck out of her view.
However, after Bonnie and the man were in Tiller's Parking Lot for a for a few minutes, each of them started to leave, but this time with each of them in a separate vehicle.
As Bonnie approached the gate to leave, she saw John, who was now standing at Tiller's gate.
Upon seeing John, Bonnie rolled down her window, and greeted John in her "normal" way, saying: "Fuck You! Do you have Jesus up your ass?"
John was a bit surprised by this type of greeting, since he does not know Bonnie, and he did not say anything at first.
So in a louder, more vile voice, Bonnie again said to John; "Hey! Fuck You! Do you have Jesus up your ass?"
John responded, inquiring as to what her problem was?
A third time, Bonnie said to John; "Fuck You! (as if that were his first and last name) Do you have Jesus up your ass?"
to which John responded by asking her to; "Come and look for yourself!"
So Bonnie got out of her car, and approached John.
Bonnie said to John: "You have been sucking Mark Gietzen's dick for a long time!" Then she went on to accuse John of supporting Catholic Priests have sex with children.
John responded that he is not Catholic, and told Bonnie that he does not know any Catholic priests whatsoever.
As John was talking to Bonnie, the man in the other car which was stopped just ahead of Bonnie's car, got out of his vehicle, and in a threatening way, approached John.
More nasty words were exchanged, but no physical assault occurred.
Eventually, Bonnie and the man got back into their cars and left, with Bonnie leaving a trail of more profane language behind as she went.
Bonnie Rhodes-Moss is typical of the caliber of today's abortion industry employee. Nation-wide, all of the decent people who may have once worked in the abortion industry, are long gone, leaving Bonnie, and others like her, as the typical abortion-industry employee.
It is important for proLife volunteers to know that many abortion industry-employees will do almost anything to get proLife volunteers to violate the law. For example, by inciting a physical assault, as could have easily been the case today, OR, by enticing the proLife volunteer to cross the line onto private property, where a trespassing charge could be bought against the proLife person.
There are two important things to remember:
First, If an abortion-industry employee can cause you to be arrested, they win the battle! They know this, and it is extremely important for all proLife volunteers to know it as well. Never allow yourself to become emotionally upset with abortion-industry employees. Always remain calm, thoughtful, prayerful, and respectful of everyone. Remember that even Bonnie is a child of God.
Secondly, when you are on-site in prayer, you are most likely focused on the victim babies, and the victim clients. But please include the abortion-industry employees in your prayers. People like Bonnie have had very little happiness in their lives. They are bitter, and their vile language and behavior is an outward sign of their inner suffering. Do NOT be angry with them. I urge you to pray for them, and for the victim clients who are under their "care".
To get a little more perspective on Bonnie, see the Incident Report dated: 2005-Jul-06. |