Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Jennifer (Sperle) McCoy III |
Monday, November 13, 2006 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
11:40 AM | 3:30 PM |
CONFIRMED SAVE; Jennifer McCoy, Donna Lampkin and Lupe Hernandez:
Donna called Jennifer on her cell phone, and requested help. An 18 year old girl named "Bianca" had come into Tiller's clinic on Friday, to get an abortion information pack from Tiller, for her roommate, Kimberly, who is 15 years old and is 21 weeks pregnant.
Bianca and Kimberly live together. Kimberly's father died long ago, and she was raised by a single mother, who now lives in a different state. Bianca, the 18 year old is the closest thing to family that the 15 year-old Kimberly has.
On Friday, when Bianca stopped at the gate to talk to Donna and Lupe, she told them about her friend's intention to get an abortion. However, she was open to what Donna and Lupe had to say.
Donna asked Jennifer McCoy to contact a ProLife doctor for prenatal care, and encouraged Jennifer to get in touch with Bianca, which Jennifer did later in the week.
Jennifer spent the next several days and nights, communicating with the two young ladies, offering help and as much guidance as she could. At one point, Jennifer had to go meet with Kimberly at 1:AM because Kimberly had gotten drunk.
<<< UPDATE - 2006-Nov-22 >>>
Jennifer continues to work with both Kimberly and Bianca, and has made progress. Kimberly has been in for a medical exam, and has seen the sonogram photos of her child. Jennifer will continue working with both teenagers until her help is no longer needed. (We are now counting this as a Confirmed Save.)
<<<UPDATE - 2006-Dec-15 >>>
Jennifer McCoy reports that Kimberly is now 5 months pregnant, and a recent sonogram shows the baby to be a girl. Adoption options are being discussed, but Kimberly is leaning toward keeping her baby after it is born. |