Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Donna Lampkin |
Wednesday, February 7, 2007 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
8:30 AM | 12:45 PM |
CONFIRMED SAVE; Donna Lampkin, Richard Moss, and Dale Weldy:
In the early afternoon, just prior to the end of Donna's shift, a brown van with a Kansas "Temporary" tag approached Tiller's driveway from the north, intending to go into Tiller's parking lot. However, they were redirected to the proLife Choices Medical Clinic parking lot by Donna Lampkin and by Richard Moss who was holding a sign directing them toward Choices.
The couple parked at Choices, then exited their vehicle and began walking toward Tiller's parking lot, intending to go in to Tillers for an early-term abortion. (The lady is 7-weeks pregnant.)
While walking the short distance between the Choices Medical Clinic parking lot, and Tiller's parking lot, the couple stopped on the sidewalk to look at the large aborted-baby picture on the side of the Truth-truck. The couple, an Hispanic man and a Caucasian lady, were reported to be visibly moved by the picture, and stopped walking just to view it. As they conversed with each other, they looked at the billboard picture on the Truth-truck intermittently, while talking and looking at each other, with obvious concern.
Donna approached them, and was able to talk them into going into Choices Medical Clinic first,
to check them out before going into Tillers. In her conversation with them, Donna learned that this couple already has four children, and that they are being pressured, or actually are being "forced" into having the abortion by extended family members, due their financial situation. Note that their financial situation appears to be a temporary problem. He has been out of work due to an illness for some time, but is now back at work.
Later, after Donna had completed her shift and left the vicinity, the father of the unborn baby, a young man named, James, came out of Choices Medical Clinic and talked at length to Dale Weldy, the KCFL volunteer who took the next shift. The young man's wife, Francisca, remained inside talking to a counselor and viewing a video.
The only reason that this couple is considering an abortion is financial hardship. There is no fetal medical problem, no problem with them not wanting the child, only an urgent need for money. They are currently about to be evicted from their duplex, with no where else to go, because they are behind on paying rent.
The lady's Mom was going to pay Tiller to kill her unborn grandchild, as a pre-condition to helping her daughter's family pay the rent, so that the family would not be evicted.
Donna, Dale and Richard each called, me, Mark Gietzen, urging KCFL to offer financial help in this case. In fact Donna Lampkin had already told the lady that we would help, not knowing what the KCFL financial situation is. However, it was the right thing to do.
<<UPDATE 2007-Feb-8 >>
I had a long phone conversation with Francisca, the above mother of five, with her youngest child being a perfectly formed 7-week old unborn child.
In that conversation I learned that we need more signs on the Truth-truck, front and back. Francisca told me that she and her husband did not even notice the Truth-truck until they were walking between Choices Medical Clinic and Tillers.
"When we first noticed that abortion picture on that truck, we were shocked!", Francisca said; which was what was reported by both Donna and Rick yesterday.
Both Francisca and James were raised Catholic, and both attended Catholic grade schools in Wichita, but are now attending a Protestant church that is NOT ProLife. From their Catholic upbringing, they were against abortion, but faced with an ultimatum from the grandmother, they went along with her demands, for lack of any other options.
Farncisca's Mom, is willing and able to help with the rent, but only if Francisca first has an abortion! It was Francisca's Mom who was intending to pay Tiller to kill the youngest member of this nice young family.
Francisca was left with two choices: Keep the baby and have her family out on the street or in a public shelter, OR, have the abortion now, a |