Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Bryan J. Burkemper
Monday, November 25, 2013
Shift Start:Shift End:
12:10 PM2:07 PM
  OPEN HOLE - Bryan is OFF today - Bryan got back in town in the nick of time to fill his scheduled time slot.
INCIDENT REPORT: While Bryan and Jennifer were on-site, a car carrying two black ladies was leaving the South Wind Clinic in the early afternoon. The driver stopped momentarily to accept some printed literature, which she gave to the passenger. Bryan and Jennifer assumed that the lady in the passenger seat had already had an abortion, and there was little or no conversation that occurred at the gate.
UPDATE: TUESDAY 2013-Nov-26: The 26 year-old girl passenger who had taken the literature, had first intended to simply throw it away. However, she read it, and was suprized that it contained offers of actual help. She decided to call the number published on the literature. She had only been into South Wind for her conscent forms; her abortion is scheduled for Monday, December 2nd, after Thanksgiving weekend. The young lady said that she would consider meeting with us, said that she would call back tomorrow if she decided to do so.
UPDATE: WEDNESDAY 2013-NOV-27: The Black Girl who called yesterday, whose name is Nakeda, called late today and agreed to met at the Texas Road House Resturant. Since she had said something about prefering to meet with a woman, Elaine Fisher came too. It was a good productive talk, but we do not yet have a commitment that she will not have the abortion on Monday. She is a WONDERFUL person, in a difficult situation. She is a student at WSU and an unemployed Home Health Care Nurse, she is scheduled for an Abortion on Monday, December 2nd. We paid one month of her rent - (she is behind on rent & has utilities about to be cut off.) The father is 32, and already has eight other children by several different mothers, uses alchol excessively, and has recenty punched a hole into her TV Screen, and broke the case on her Cell phone. He provides no financial help to her whatsoever. We (KCFL) gave her $450 for her November Rent, which she appreciated it a lot. It was given with the agreement that prior to going ahead with the abortion on Monday, she will call us and meet with us at least one more time. If she decides against the abortion, we will pay her December Rent. If she decides to keep the child, we will be her resource-of-last resort, as we currently are for so many KCFL Clients, until the child turns 18 years old.

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