Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Stephanie S. Forbes
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Shift Start:Shift End:
2:35 PM3:15 PM
  TURN-AROUND; Stephanie Forbes:

At about 3:pm a lady in her late 20's or early 30's, who came to Wichita from Colorado via Greyhound bus, came walking out of Tiller's parking lot. Stephanie was able to talk to her.

She is 22 weeks pregnant, with a child who is said to have a fetal anomaly. She was told both in Colorado, and now at Tiller's, that her child does not have a brain. Stephanie invited her to go to Choices Medical Clinic, where they have a free program specifically for conditions such as hers.

(The theory behind this program is that one way or the other, the child is eventually going to be born. If indeed the child is going to die, it will do so naturally. Choices Medical Clinic works with the mother-to-be, and later with the mother, in such a way that her emotional stability is maintained throughout the entire process. Sometimes perfectly normal babies are born, following false test results and dire predictions. But, in any case, mothers who take only life-giving actions will be far better off, psychologically, than is the woman who kills her child, never really knowing what sort of life the child may have had.)

This lady, a soft-spoken, long-haired woman who does not wear make-up, was very polite to Stephanie. She seemed interested in what Choices had to offer in terms of free services. She told Stephanie that her abortion was going to cost $5000, and that she already had paid $500 upfront to Tiller, as a down payment.

Stephanie was able to walk her to Choices Medical Clinic where she remained through out the duration of Stephanie's shift.

Please keep this Colorado lady and her 22 week-old unborn child in your prayers. Everything on Earth happens in accord with God's plan for us, and it is God's plan for this child that should come to pass.

In this case, as in every abortion case, the violent destructive act of abortion will do no good for the child, and will only cause the mother grief and regret for the duration of her life.

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