Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Donna Lampkin
Friday, March 23, 2007
Shift Start:Shift End:
11:30 AM3:15 PM
  At about 2:38 pm, three Black women in a dark green sedan, Kansas license tag WEA-947 with a young child in the back seat stopped at the gate to talk to Donna and other ProLife volunteers who were at the gate as part of the Guadalupe Rosary Crusade for Life event.

Only one lady is pregnant, but she is 8 months pregnant, and told Donna that she is having the abortion for financial reasons.

Operation Rescue Press Release:

Evidence Tiller Is Openly Flaunting KS Late Abortion Ban - Schedules Convenience Abortion

Healthy woman in eighth month of pregnancy began process today to obtain an abortion.

Wichita, KS - March 23, 2007 - Evidence surfaced today that late-term abortionist George R. Tiller is continuing to flagrantly violate the Kansas ban on post-viability abortions by initiating a convenience abortion on a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy.

The woman entered Tiller's Wichita abortion mill this afternoon, and began the process to abort her baby even though the woman admitted to pro-life supporters outside the clinic that she is perfectly healthy, physically and mentally, and that her baby is also healthy. Kansas law prohibits such abortions after 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Sidewalk counselor Donna Lampkin told Operation Rescue that the woman said she was having an abortion because the baby would be a financial burden on her. Lampkin discussed options such as adoption and other assistance, but the woman rejected them all.

"You could clearly see the woman's swollen tummy," said Lampkin. "If you had put your hand on her tummy, you could have felt the baby moving."

When Lampkin asked the woman why she waited so long, she replied that it took her that long to raise the money to pay for the abortion.

"It is entirely illegal in the State of Kansas for a healthy woman to obtain an abortion in her eighth month of a healthy pregnancy for convenience reasons," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. "Women simply don't have a legal right to do that."

The woman entered the clinic and, instead of being turned away, left with a packet of information and consent forms that Kansas law requires women to receive at least 24-hours before an abortion. It is the first step in the process of obtaining an abortion in Kansas.

"This incident clearly shows that Tiller is openly flaunting the law," said Sullenger. "And from his perspective, why not? Up until now, he has been able to do as he pleases, and no one has ever been able to successfully hold him accountable. Until he faces consequences for his illegal and immoral actions, innocent babies who should be protected will continue to die, and the laws of Kansas will continue to be meaningless."

Operation Rescue will be participating in a rally and press conference organized by Kansans for Life at the Capitol in Topeka on Tuesday, March 27, to ask House members to pass a resolution to compel Attorney General Paul Morrison to prosecute Tiller on 30 criminal charges related to illegal late-term abortions that were filed in December but were dismissed on jurisdictional grounds without the merits of the case being considered. The Legislature has legal authority to order such a prosecution.

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