Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Mark S. Gietzen |
Thursday, December 2, 2004 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
3:05 PM | 3:15 PM |
I came out on-site due to an emergency phone call from Terry Read. Andrea Jones, a beautiful young lady, about 20 years old, was allegedly held against her will by Tiller's Security Guard, Carl Swinney, who would not let her leave the building when she decided against having an abortion. She was now released, but stranded, because her ride had left while she was being held inside. I picked her up at approximately 3:10 pm. When I first met Andrea, she was on the phone at the Davis-Moore courtesy desk, having an unpleasant conversation (I later learned that it was with "Nick" her fiancée, who was refusing to pick her up, unless she went back into Tiller's and had the abortion). She was very distraught about her day, but was happy to talk to me about anything, except about what went on at Tiller's. On the way to Hutchinson, Andrea told me some things about her life. When she was only 3 years old, her mother was murdered in Oklahoma on the night that she graduated from college. She does not remember much about her mom except what she has been told, and has seen in pictures. Her Father, whom she met only 4 or 5 times in her life, died in 2002, with Alcohol and Drugs being contributing factors. She was raised in the small town of Cushing, Oklahoma, by her mother's mother, who also recently passed away. This leaves Andrea totally dependant on her fiancée, Nick, with no other family to turn to. She very much appreciated the ride, and my offers to help her. I encouraged her to never have an abortion, because it would ruin her life, as well as the life of her child. I dropped her off at a house near "C" and Plum Streets in Hutchinson. . . . . . . .
<UPDATE> 2004-Dec-3 = Andrea's ProLife friend, Billie Blanton., who brought her to Tiller's, called me to thank me for taking Andrea home to Hutchinson yesterday. She also told me that Andrea had lied to her and her other friend, when she said that she was going to Wichita to have a blood clot removed, and that she totally lied to us on her way past the gate, when she said that she was not pregnant. Andrea is pregnant, but only about 12 weeks along. She had tricked Billie and her other friend into taking her to Tiller's, saying it was only for the blood-clot removal. When they learned from Terry and Anna Wood, that Tiller only does abortions, they left mad at Andrea for having tricked them into bringing her here. In reality, Andrea does have a blood-clot in her umbilical-cord, and her Doctor in Hutchinson arranged the abortion appointment that she had with Tiller. Her fiancée, Nick, with whom she has a 4-year old child, had refused to come to pick her up in Wichita, unless she went back into Tillers to get the abortion. (Billie and her other friend, being ProLife, left when they found out that Andrea had lied to them about her reasons for coming to Wichita, and because they did not want to take part in an abortion in any way. Terry Read had given Billie's friend a magazine from ORW, and they had both looked at it while waiting on Andrea. The magazine, by Cheryl Sullenger, was so shocking to them, that it played a role in there decision to leave and go back to Hutchinson without Andrea. (They did not know that she was being detained inside.) It was only upon Nick's refusal to come and get her, that she was stranded in Wichita, with no one in the world to call. Andrea is living with her 4-year-old son, his Dad, Nick, whom she optimistically refers to as her fiancée, and with Nick's mother. . . . . . . .
<UPDATE> 2005-Jun-17 = I had maintained periodic contact with Billie Blanton to see how things were going with Andrea. Nick's mother was not aware that Andrea was pregnant at the time that she was in at Tiller's for the abortion, and Andrea dreaded telling her. When she found out that Andrea was pregnant, she insisted that Andrea abort this child, or find another place to live. (Nick's Mom had an abortion in the 1980's.) In any case, by the grace of God, Andrea's baby was born on April 5th, about one month early. I am invit |