Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Diana M. Helten
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Shift Start:Shift End:
9:30 AM11:30 AM

At 11:02 am, Diana Helten called to report that an ambulance and some fire-rescue vehicles were pulling into Tiller's parking lot. I reported same to ORW and OSA.

At 11:10 am - Terry Read called to report that they were loading a victim-client into the ambulance, Diana got a photo of her being loaded into the ambulance. Diana sez that the gurney was in the sitting-up position, but that the victim-client was completely covered with a blanket. Terry remarked that they did not seem to be in as much of a hurry to leave, as they were in getting here.

11:14 am - Cheryl is now on-site at Wesley with cameras ready and waiting.

11:16 am - Ambulance has left Tillers, it is Ambulance # 30. Cheryl notified to watch for Ambulance # 30.

11:29 am - Ambulance # 30 is at Wesley. The victim-client still had the blanket over her head, as they bought her into Wesley, either to protect her identity, OR, possibly, this is another abortion death of the mother.

Cheryl took a photo of the victim-client being unloaded from the ambulance, and she was completely covered with a heavy blanket. (The hospital photo appeared on the ORW website in the early afternoon.)

Because the blanket was over her head, and it was a heavy blanket, wrapped tightly over her entire body, including her head, it appears more likely than not, that this is a possible 2nd death in as many months.

Also, the fact that the 911 para-medics were not in a hurry to leave Tillers, may be an indication that they were transporting a dead body rather than a living person in need of care. However, this is NOT yet a confirmed death until we know more.

This is the 4th Project LPPPA ambulance call since we began the continuous presence on-site on Mother's Day 2004.

We have requested, by fax & US Mail, a copy of the 911 transcript.

<< UPDATE 2005-Feb-22 >> New rules, put in place since Christin Gilbert's death - Sedgwick County will not release 911 dispatch information to KCFL any more?

County Commission unable to help us in getting a copy of the 911 transcript, citing Federal HIPAA privacy regulations. (HIPAA = Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act)

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