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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Brad Bennett
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Shift Start:Shift End:
11:00 AM1:54 PM
  This Incident Report was written by KCFL Volunteer, Brad Bennett, and was received by e-mail. These events occurred off-site, following Brad's shift, and are entered here out of convenience only.

Dear Real Americans,

I read in the Saturday Tiller Times (Wichita Eagle newspaper) and saw an Obama rally was scheduled for 2:30pm in Riverside Park today. It was billed as a "Barrack the Early Vote" rally featuring Gov. Sebelius, former U.S Rep. Dan Glickman, U.S Senate candidate Jim Slattery and U.S. House candidate Donald Betts. Volunteers will offer free bus rides to early voting locations in Sedgwick County. Too late, Cindie and I already voted McCain/Palin by advance ballot, would they have given us a ride?

I called Mark Gietzen of Kansas Coalition For Life and Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue and they were planning to drive the Truth Truck with the huge aborted baby with the caption, "AbortionIsAnObamaNation.com' on the side and a photo of George Tiller taking one of his botched abortion women into Wesley Hospital Emergency Room on the back, around the park location of the Obama rally. I followed them in my 1980 Ford T-Bird and decided to park and blend in with the crowd.

It sounded like de ja vu all over again as I walked up to the gazebo and heard the soundtrack of Fleetwood Mac's "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow," which was Bill Clinton's campaign song, followed by "Move On Up," by Curtis Mayfield. The crowd size appeared to be around 200, with some college students from KU wearing Jayhawker shirts.

The Obama cult followers were a mixture of college kids, union members, older feminazis,
middle-aged white liberals and African Americans.

Pastor Mark Holick of Spirit One Church in Wichita brought around seven members of his church with him into the park carrying large aborted baby signs with the caption, "Where's Your Church?" protesting the pro-abortion agenda of Obama and the Democrats. They were on the perimeter of the crowd and were quickly blocked from view by Obama fans holding Obama/Biden yard signs in front of them and following them wherever they moved, to shield the Obama mob from the truth of his policies.

Pastor Holick even tried to get up the steps of the gazebo where the speakers were with his aborted baby sign but was told to move away by the woman named Samantha, who opened the rally.

The Operation Rescue Truth Truck with Mark and Cheryl continued to circle the rally on the nearby streets and was clearly seen by those in attendance. They told me an Obama woman tailed the Truck in her car and complained they were driving too slow. At one point, the Truck pulled over and stopped and the woman got out of her car to angrily complain. Words were exchanged and they took photos of each other.

The woman called the police and a patrol car began following the Truth Truck, which had not violated any traffic regulations. They were guilty of being pro-life and not pro-Obama.

Samantha yelled to the crowed, trying to lead them in a "Fired Up' chant, saying the people who hollered the loudest would get a free Obama t-shirt tossed to them. She maybe tossed one t-shirt, I guess they weren't fired up enough.

Former Congressman Jim Slattery arrived, strutting like a slick used car salesman and had his photo taken with admirers.

Jeff Herndon, KAKE Channel 10 anchorman was there looking bored and a KWCH Channel 12 camera crew interviewed a middle aged yuppie couple for Obama.

Jason What's-His Name, the young homosexual Sedgwick County Democratic Party Chairman, introduced the rogues gallery of Demonrat politicians present, including Walt Kuykendall, candidate for Sheriff, State Rep. Jim Ward, Gail Finney, Vice-Chair of Sedgwick County Democrats, Billie Knighton, NOW cow pro-abort running against Steve Brunk for 85th District Rep, and Othela Foust-Goudeau. who is running for Donald Betts' vacated State Senate seat.

Jason said they had a new shipment of 500 Obama signs at Dem HQs to hand out, then introduced the first speaker, Dan Glickman. Glickman went over like

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