Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Nellie Marie Hill
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Shift Start:Shift End:
6:50 AM8:15 AM
  CONFIRMED SAVE: Nellie Read & Dale Weldy.

As we were setting up Crosses this morning, three victim-client vehicles came in to Tiller's parking lot, all within a matter of minutes.

The first one was a car from Massachusetts that did not stop, but the second one was a pick-up truck with an unusual bright red Oklahoma license plate, which Nellie immediately recognized.

Nellie shouted to the rest of us: "That's a Muscogee, Creek Nation, Indian tag!" (Nellie is a Creek Indian from Oklahoma.)

As this Oklahoma vehicle approached the parking lot drive way, it stopped for Dale and/or I, right on the driveway. I was carrying Crosses across the driveway to the lawn on the south side of the driveway, and had walked directly in front of them. Dale had gestured for them to stop.

Dale walked up to the passenger window, where an American Indian lady was sitting in the passenger seat. Dale asked her to please take some literature. However, neither Dale nor I had material immediately available in our hands. Dale was busy checking all of his pockets for literature, and eventually found a well-worn-tattered-looking OSA pamphlet, which he gave to her. (OSA stands for Operation Save America, and they provide much of the literature that we hand out.)

Choices Medical Clinic was not yet open, or we would have at least attempted to direct them there. However, we really did not get a chance to talk more to them, as they simply accepted the material that Dale gave to her and immediately drove on into Tiller's parking lot.

Hoping to talk to them as they got out of their vehicle, Nellie hurried around to the north side. I headed south toward the Choices Medical Clinic north porch to see what I could do, but just then, a third vehicle, with Missouri tags came in, and Dale and I made a feeble and unsuccessful attempt to stop them.

By the time I got back to the Choices Medical Clinic porch, I could see that the Oklahoma Indian pick-up truck was parked right close to the entrance door. The couple had gotten inside before either Nellie or I had a further chance to talk to them, but Nellie, looking over the fence, did make eye-contact with the lady as she went in. This all happened at about 7:20 am.

At 10:05 am, Donna Lampkin, whose shift started at 8:30 am, called me, knowing nothing about what had happened earlier in the morning. Donna reported that a pick-up truck, with a red Oklahoma tag, stopped on its way out of the parking lot. The driver held up the piece of OSA literature, and told Donna that they had decided not to have the abortion! Donna wanted to know what had occurred earlier, and how and when we had gotten the material to them.

I called Nellie, who was very concerned about this couple, and informed her of the confirmed save. She was delighted! I also called Dale Weldy, and told him that by his actions this morning, he had saved a life today.

(This vehicle was on the Watch list all week, and did not return.)

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