Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Donna Lampkin |
Thursday, February 2, 2006 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
11:30 AM | 3:10 PM |
CONFIRMED SAVE: At about 1:pm two black ladies in a dark blue car with Sedg. Co. KS Tags came slowly into Tiller's Parking lot. They did not stop at the gate to talk to Donna, nor did they accept material. However, they parked on the south side of Tiller's lot, close to the Gate, where Donna could talk to them. Only one of them was pregnant, and they were unsure that they were making the right decision to have the abortion. Among other things, Donna told them that today more than 1/2 of the abortions were of black women, and that a disproportionate number of black babies, were being killed. The ladies stayed and listened to Donna for over 15 minutes, never getting out of their car.
Eventually, Security Guard Carl Swinney came out to break-up the conversation, and he offered to escort them into Tiller's facility. However, in response to Donna's request that they go over to Choices Medical Clinic, they backed out of the parking stall, and drove the short distance out of Tiller's parking lot. They stopped and talked more to Donna while on the Driveway outbound. The pregnant lady told Donna that she really did not want to have the abortion and now had changed her mind. She accepted printed material from Donna, including the Christin Gilbert Press Release which she looked at while talking with Donna.
They did not go to Choices, because the pregnant lady said that she already has a good doctor whom she will go see.
(There is an unusually high number of black clients coming in this week. We have no reason why.) |