Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Margaret Weaver
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Shift Start:Shift End:
7:10 AM8:20 AM
  TURN-AROUND; Margaret Weaver and Mark S. Gietzen:

At about 7:55 am, an older-looking, dirty, red, Nissan Altima with Kansas tags, came into Tiller's parking lot. It was driven by an Hispanic lady who appeared to be about 30 years old, and she had a baby in a car-seat in the back seat, who appears to be less than a year old.

At first, she did not stop at the gate to accept literature from Margaret Weaver who was volunteering at the gate at that time. However, a few minutes later, at about 8:01 am, she came back to the gate, still in her car, and voluntarily stopped to talk to Margaret.

Margaret gave her literature, and asked her to go to the proLife Choices Medical Clinic which is located next door to Tiller's facility. But, unfortunately, Choices was not open yet.

The lady was nervous and troubled and did not want to wait around. She left southbound on Bleckley Street.

Unexpectedly, about three minutes later, she came Northbound on Bleckley Street, and approached Choices Medical Clinic, coming to a near stop at the Choices driveway. Seeing it was still closed, she went back into Tiller's parking lot.

But at 8:11 am, she returned again to Tiller's gate, outbound from Tiller's parking lot for the second time this morning. She stopped to talk to me (Mark Gietzen) and I asked her if we could help her.

She apparently did not speak English well, but she seemed to understand what I was saying. She was not crying, but she had a stressful look and demeanor and she had a very sad look on her face.

At one point, when I asked her to wait until Choices opened, she started to roll the window up, as if she were finished talking to me.

Then, just before the window was completely closed, I said: "We can help you, ma'am ...with anything that you need! Please do not kill your baby!"

When her side window was shut, she looked away from me, and turned directly toward the Truth-truck which was in front of her. She appeared to be looking at the picture on the side of the Truth-truck, and made no effort to move her car.

I stood there, while she looked at the Truth-truck, and she rolled the window down again to talk, or "listen" more.

I offered her any help that she needed. I asked; "Do you need money… is it a money problem?"

She indicated "Yes" by nodding her head.

At that point, an out-of-state car with clients in it, approached Tiller's driveway, and the Hispanic lady's car was directly in their way.

As she moved, I tried to get her to go into the Choices parking lot. However, she went southbound again on Bleckley Street, after seeing that Choices was still closed.

I left the area at about 8:14 am.

Margaret Weaver reported that the Hispanic Lady was not seen again through the duration of her Shift. Margaret said that Choices opened after I left, sometime between 8:15 and 8:20 am.

As of 10:15 am, no one at the gate has reported seeing her, or the red Nissan Altima, at either Tiller's or Choices Medical Clinic.

<<<UPDATE>>> As of 1:30 pm, no sign of the Red Altima, reported by volunteers at the gate. Note that two other incidents are underway this afternoon.

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