Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Emily Sichley
Friday, May 30, 2014
Shift Start:Shift End:
8:15 AM10:30 AM
  TURN-AROUND: (in an unusual and indirect way) - Emily Sichley, 2014-May-30:
At about 10:00 AM on Friday morning, a 30-something single Hispanic woman named "Bianca", a mother of two toddler-aged children, approached the South Wind gate to talk to the KCFL on-site volunteer, Emily Sichley. Bianca’s destination was not the abortion facility; it was in fact the KCFL table!
While sitting in her car, Bianca told Emily that at about noon today, her roommate would be coming in to kill her unborn child, and she wanted Emily to help her stop the abortion from occurring. Bianca’s conversation with Emily lasted at least 15 minutes. The South Wind Security Guard must have been sleeping, because Emily and Bianca were not interrupted as would have been expected when a car parks on the South Wind Driveway for more than a minute.
Bianca told Emily that her roommate, named "Kenna" was unmarried, and already had four other children (that is a total of six young children in their home) and that she was now about 12-weeks pregnant. Bianca said that Kenna had scheduled her abortion appointment at noon today, and Bianca wanted Emily to stop Kenna from killing her unborn child in any way possible.
Emily first inquired about financial needs, and offered Kenna direct financial help from KCFL, if that was the reason driving Kenna to schedule the abortion. Money, however, was not a problem in this case whatsoever. Rather, Kenna, who already has four children of her own, simply does not want to take care of another child.
Emily then talked about adoption. However, Bianca had already offered to adopt the unborn child, but Kenna was still insistent on having her child killed by abortion instead.
Bianca, who had never seen proLife literature before, became even more determined to save the life of her roommate’s unborn child, after seeing the proLife literature and speaking to Emily. Bianca left and Emily prayed. Emily did not leave when her shift ended at 10:00 am.
At noon, there was no sign of Bianca or Kenna. Emily and the other on-site volunteers hoped for the best. However, at about 12:20 PM, late for her appointment, Kenna, showed up as Bianca had predicted. Bianca was in a separate vehicle and strategically pulled alongside, and then in front of Kenna, preventing her from entering the South Wind Parking Lot, …forcing Kenna to park on the street (on the west side of Bleckley) where Emily could talk to her. Kenna was driving a newish Chevy vehicle, and had two passengers with her, a male and a female who appeared to be old enough to be her parents.
Emily had armed herself with some Hispanic language literature that she had gotten from Choices Medical Clinic, and she gave that literature to Kenna, and tried to talk with her.
Kenna appeared to be about 20 years old, slim and very pretty. Emily said, “She is so young-looking that it seems impossible for her to already have four children of her own!” Kenna was attractively dressed, had long brown hair and had a determined attitude. She took the literature from Emily, but then walked right past her, making her way onto the abortion mill parking lot on foot. During this time, Bianca was speaking to Kenna in Spanish, pleading with her …even emotionally yelling 'in her face,' obviously trying to stop her from going into the abortion facility.
Kenna was unfortunately determined to have the abortion - even to the point of pushing her roommate aside, and flailing her arms at Bianca. Halfway through the parking lot, but still in sight from the gate, the two arguing women were met by the South Wind Security Guard, Carl Swinney, whose first order of business was to rip the printed proLife material out of Kenna’s hand. Carl then escorted Kenna into the building, with Bianca trailing.
Bianca remained inside the abortion facility with Kenna until about 2:00 pm, when she came out and reported to Emily, and another KCFL volunteer, Julie Simpson, that: “things were NOT going well inside, and that that Kenna was going to go through with the abortion!” The emotionally distraught Bianca,

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