Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports
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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action |
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631 PHONE: (316) 522-8866 FAX: (316) 522-8833 |
INCIDENT REPORT: Donna Lampkin |
Friday, November 4, 2005 |
Shift Start: | Shift End: |
11:30 AM | 3:25 PM |
CONFIRMED SAVE: A Hispanic family from Garden City, including two parents (?) an obviously pregnant teen-age daughter, and a young child, came in to drop-off the teen-ager for what would have been a late-term scheduled abortion. However, on their way in, Donna was able to talk to them and to give them literature in both English and Spanish. (It was fortunate that Donna had the Spanish Literature with her.) To Donna's surprise the mother did not stay in with the teenage daughter, but rather came outside to wait with the others in the car in the parking lot. While waiting for the daughter to have the abortion, the apparent father read the literature. About 15 minutes after they had gone in, they again were all in their car, and they stopped at the gate on their way out of Tiller's parking lot. The apparent father told Donna that they had changed their mind about having an abortion, and that they were going back to Garden City. The pregnant daughter was in the back seat, and she had not had an abortion, and had not been in long enough to have even an early term abortion. They took a blanket from Donna for the baby. (Donna requests a resource list of all the pregnancy crisis centers in Kansas - she had no such thing to give them.)
TURN-AROUND: A couple who took literature stayed in their car after parking in Tiller's lot. They parked on the South side, and eventually when they walked into the building entrance, Donna talked to them from the gate, urging them to save the child. They stayed in less than 5 minutes, and returned to their car and left. On their way out, they would NOT confirm that they were keeping their baby, and in fact would not talk about it, only saying; "Have a nice day!" to Donna as they left.
TURN-AROUND: A third car that stopped to take literature was an older station wagon, containing a couple who were not getting along with each other - or at least the male driver was cranky. Donna said that it appeared that he was possibly the one who was encouraging his relatively quiet female partner to have the abortion. They went into the building as if they were ignoring the literature, but did not stay long enough to have had an abortion. |