Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Donna Lampkin
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Shift Start:Shift End:
8:30 AM12:25 PM
  CONFIRMED SAVE; Donna Lampkin & Isaac Hathaway:

At 10:50 AM a young Asian couple from Manhattan, Kansas, who attend K-State College, pulled into a parking spot on Bleckley Street, right behind the Truth-truck, and parked.

At first, Donna thought is was more ProLife volunteers coming to help, but as soon as she approached them, she saw that they were here as Tiller Clients. She asked them to wait in their car, and she got them some material and asked them to read it.

They were willing to talk to Donna, and Donna did her best to talk them out of having the abortion.

Isaac, who was displaying the large "Please Mommy, Don't Leave Me Here" sign, stood within their view. Isaac also helped by getting specific pieces of literature from the box for Donna, and giving it to her, so that she could talk and point out things specifically to the pregnant lady and her boyfriend.

Neither of these students seemed to know anything about abortion. Donna used just about every different piece of material that we have, including "Carhart Speaks" and the Press Release on Christin Gilbert's death.

The only reason that they were here for an abortion, is because they are still in school, and an abortion was recommended to them. They had not really thought much about what having an abortion really meant. The girl is currently three months pregnant.

They stayed for about 15 minutes, talking to Donna, then they left southbound on Bleckley.

Then, about 45 minutes later, just before noon, they came back and parked in the same place! This time, they tooted their horn, to get Donna's attention.

Donna came over and they simply wanted to return the literature, and to tell Donna that they changed their mind, and that they were NOT going to have the abortion!

While they were talking to Donna, Tiller's Security Guard, Carl Swinney came out to see if he could get them to come in to Tiller's facility. Donna simply told Carl that they were here this time to talk to her - which was correct. Eventually, seeing he had no hope of getting them to come in to Tiller's building, Carl gave up and went back inside.

In the end, this young couple declined Donna's offer of help at Choices Medical Clinic, saying that they had a doctor in Manhattan, they declined Donna's offer of direct financial help from KCFL, but they accepted her offer of a handmade blanket. After receiving the blanket and saying thank you to Donna, they left for Manhattan.

(This vehicle & couple will be placed on the Watch List for one week.)

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