Project LPPPA Notable Incident Reports

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The KANSAS COALITION FOR LIFE, Project Love, Prayer, and Persistent Political Action
5575 South Mosley Street, Wichita, KS 67216-3631      PHONE: (316) 522-8866      FAX: (316) 522-8833
INCIDENT REPORT:        Donna Lampkin
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Shift Start:Shift End:
11:45 AM2:30 PM
  CONFIRMED SAVE; Donna Lampkin, James & Donna Gales:

In the early afternoon, a young Asian couple in an older black 4-door Honda car, with Kansas Tags, came northbound on Bleckley Street. They were driving slowly and appeared to be looking at address numbers as they went.

Seeing that they did not turn in at Choices Medical Clinic, KCFL volunteers, Jim Gales and Donna Lampkin, were able to stop them before they even got to Tiller's driveway.

Not only did this young couple accept and look at literature from Donna Lampkin, but they were willing to talk, and more importantly, they were willing to listen!

Immediately in conversation it became clear that the only reason that this couple was contemplating an abortion, was due to their financial situation. There was no medical problem, with either the mother or the child, whatsoever.

Fortunately, they were stopped in a perfect position for Donna Lampkin to use the large graphic panel on the Truth-truck, and the Nativity Scene, which was placed just north of Tiller's driveway, as a visual aids while talking to them.

Using the Nativity Scene, as an example, Donna said that the parents of that Child were also poor ...yet they had their child, and He is more valuable than all the money and all the people in the world! Donna Lampkin then contrasted the Nativity Scene with the large picture of the aborted baby on the side of the Truth-truck.

Pointing to the Truth-truck, Donna Lampkin asked; "Is this what you want for your child?"

After a few minutes in conversation the young lady began to weep silently, tears flowing. It was clear that the lady truly did NOT want the abortion. The gentleman did not want it either, but rather he felt driven to it by their financial circumstances.

Donna Lampkin attempted to get them to go into Choices Medical Clinic, but they declined.

In the end, they eventually went into Tiller's parking lot, and parked on the north side, near the entry door, out of sight. They stayed in the parking lot only a few minutes ...hopefully just to cancel their appointment. (Note, it is not clear that either of them actually got out of their vehicle while in the parking lot. They may have just sat there and talked.)

Obviously their time in Tiller's parking lot was too short to have even checked in for a test. It is possible, though unlikely, that in that time period they could have signed a consent form and taken an information pack with them. Therefore this vehicle will be on the "Watch List" throughout the rest of December.

When they came back out, the lady was still emotional, but they did not stop to talk.

This is being counted as a Confirmed-Save based on what was learned by Donna Lampkin in her conversation with them. Donna is sure that the lady does not want the abortion, and fairly certain that the gentleman is not going to go through with it. However, it appeared to Donna that the young man was the decision-maker, and that the mother-to-be would submit to his will.

We will adjust our count if needed, if this couple is seen again.

NOTE: Having three people available on-site was a very helpful factor in this incident, because Donna Lampkin was able to focus on just them as long as they were willing to listen, knowing that James and Donna Gales were at the gate, handling a minor incident of their own at the very same time. (See the Abortion Statistics page for today.)

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